Online Dating Safety Tips

AsianSpace is created to help single men and women find love; and we want everyone to be safe while looking to meet new people. We are doing all we can in the background to help everyone. However, everyone need to be careful when getting to know new people. Below are some tips that might help you:

  • Never send money to anyone: good person never ask you for money online. Only bad people ask you for money; no matter what they say, do not believe them.
  • Never share your personal information: social security number, personal phone number, e-mail address or home address are some example of personal info that you should never share it with anyone online.
  • Stay on AsianSpace App only: a bad person might ask you to connect with them via e-mail, phone or want to connect with you on another app. Those people have bad intentions. Block and report them.
  • Spam: spammers are not here for dating, these people might ask you to visit their website or download their app etc. Block and Report them.
  • Spend enough time to know new people: getting to know new people take time; do not rush to meet in person yet. For your own safety, you should chat with new people for at least six months; try to know them enough before deciding to meet in person.
  • Meet in public place only: If you decide to meet someone in person, only meet them in public place where there are more people too. This can help prevent any problem. Meeting in public place a few times to know them better in person.
  • Let friends or family know your plan: If you decide to meet someone, for extra precaution, let someone know where you are going just in case you need their help. Have your phone with you. Let friends or family know your plan: If you decide to meet someone, for extra precaution, let someone know where you are going just in case you need their help. Have your phone with you.